How are "MOOD RINGS" made.. what causing them to change colors? Have you ever worn one? My kids love them.
Craptacular Wonderment
2006-02-25 16:11:56 UTC
I recently got a bunch of questions like these.. and I have no clue what they are made of, or why they change.. and yes I used to have one Many years ago.. but I never thought about how they worked... do you know?
Seven answers:
2006-02-25 16:27:45 UTC
Here you go.
2015-08-10 15:10:33 UTC
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How are "MOOD RINGS" made.. what causing them to change colors? Have you ever worn one? My kids love them.

I recently got a bunch of questions like these.. and I have no clue what they are made of, or why they change.. and yes I used to have one Many years ago.. but I never thought about how they worked... do you know?
2006-02-25 19:10:25 UTC
mood rings change colors by your body tempature. heres an experemint 4 ya put one in the freezer it will tur green. now put 1 in the oven and it will turn red.
2006-02-25 18:16:09 UTC
yes i have worn one.

this is how it works...

if you're angry, your body causes heat and that makes the mood ring change colours. if you're normal/feeling ok it'll probably stay that 1 colour.

and that's how i believe it works.
2006-02-26 14:16:14 UTC
i had 4 when i was a kid and no matter what temp i was i always turned them black when i was wearing them weird is what i was called cos they worked for everyone else and i was told it had to do with body temp they couldnt explain why i turned them all black i still do it if my kids wear them
2006-02-25 18:14:10 UTC
I like them too. Heat is what makes them work. The warmer you are, the more blue it will be; if you're cold, it will be black.
2006-02-25 16:14:11 UTC
I LOVE THEM!!!!! I dont know how they are made though...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.