Do you know anyone who has been injured with a non-powder air pellet gun?
2006-04-16 09:28:12 UTC
My grand-sons have recently purchased a pistol and rifle that shoot colorful pellets with pumped air action. They wear eye protection, but is there is possibilities of injury to the ears and mouth? Does anyone know of injuries that I can share with them for their own protection.
Four answers:
2006-04-16 14:14:02 UTC
I think if they wear the appropriate safety gear they should be okay. It is mostly the eyes I'd worry about.

Remember that line from the Christmas Story movies wear all the little boy wants for Christmas is a red rider BB gun?

"You'll put your eye out!"

Boys will be boys. I'd discourage them from shooting Birds and small animals since they might injure them though. But not badly enough to kill them and bring them home for that would just be cruel.
2006-04-16 11:54:40 UTC
They won't cause major or heavy damage but they can leave a bruise. I got shot in the ankles and they just bruised for about 4 days then they were fine.
2006-04-16 09:34:18 UTC
My brother has one and when he shot me, i had welts across my stomach for 2 weeks. imagine what it could do to your face!
2006-04-16 09:32:03 UTC
i don't know anyone that has been shot with that kind of gun but it still sounds pretty dangerous.

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