why do our parents spend too much money on us???? if so,on what do they spend on you?
2006-04-04 15:31:14 UTC
its a question that everybody will answer because its interesting and everyone wants to share what their parents spend on them...
Seven answers:
2006-04-05 18:40:01 UTC
my parents buy me insurance for my car, they buy me gas and whatever I want I get. I'm an only child and I guess that I am spoiled.
2006-04-04 23:40:03 UTC
sshhh.... you're not supposed to let the 'rents know.

But honestly, I'm an only child so therefore if anything happens it always used to be my fault. Spending too much money on my is the folks' way of feeling bad cause they figured out how much stuff they lost themselves. And another reason they do it is because they realized how much more spare cash they have now that I'm on my own and they aren't paying for me to live.
2006-04-04 23:59:14 UTC
As soon as you are a parent you will understand why they do. You just want your kids to have everything. My son is 2 and has 4 pairs of shoes at the moment and I have been wearing the same pair for the last 2 years, lol.
2006-04-04 23:38:20 UTC
Video consoles and games. Because I love the little buggers and we live so far away from everyone they drive me nuts!~!
2006-04-05 16:39:39 UTC
my parents keep a roof over my head and food on the table. once in a special while we'll get something special.
2006-04-04 22:36:16 UTC
My parents buy me gas for my car or just useless junk from places they visit.
2006-04-05 00:05:19 UTC
because they love you and expect you to do better than thereselves

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