2010-08-16 15:54:38 UTC
OK, I'm looking for people who love albums, the whole package, not just a couple songs off an album, not people who have gone digital...people who have always liked albums, whether on vinyl, 8-track, cassette, or CD.
What I want you to do, is look at my list, which I'll post in the comments section. I have gone back 40 years (not to 1967, but 1968, I'm considering 1968 to be year 1 and 2007 to be year 40), and I have picked my one favorite album from that year.
What I'm challenging you to do is, to the best of your ability, pick your favorite album from each of these years, only one per year, no ties. I don't want any best ofs or live albums. Another thing I did was I made sure I did not include anyone twice.
I did not however restrict genres, I have classic rock, heavy metal, country, new wave, pop, experimental, punk, dance, industrial, progressive, hard rock, light rock...pretty much everything I listen to here. If you have to leave some blank spaces, that's OK!