What's the most interesting thing you've made from Lego's?
2006-01-05 15:02:01 UTC
What's the most interesting thing you've made from Lego's?
Twelve answers:
2006-01-05 16:33:38 UTC
I've just always made simple However here in Ohio there is a club called the Central Ohio Lego & Train Club (website below). I work in at our electric company downtown (31? stories high) and we had a model of it that was to be used in our cities (Columbus) New Years Eve family gathering. It was an exact replica of the building, and even had the surrounding street lights,etc. You can see some pics at the link below!
2006-01-05 23:12:33 UTC
I've made a lot of weird undefinable things. If it's been recognisable, it is likely to be space-themed because my collection is Space-LEGO biased.

I think the best thing to make would be a giant LEGO Wil Wheaton, because that way you'd attract the entire readership of Slashdot and Fark to your site. I don't have enough blocks for one, though.
2006-01-08 17:34:15 UTC
i made my room at one point in time-- it was only about 3 inches smaller in each dimension than my room which is 14 by 14 by eight feet tall.

the lego room had to have a pillar in teh middle to hold the roof up, but it was big enough to contain my ffurniture in it... only thing it was lacking was a door, so instead it just had a doorframe, it even had a window that corresponded to my own window made of idk how many lego windows.

it was sweet, but i never got any picturres of it b/c my brother came in and destroyed it...

brotherly love, eh?
2006-01-05 23:08:11 UTC
A programable Robot
2006-01-05 23:02:32 UTC
A big transforming robot
2006-01-05 23:43:32 UTC
A beer mug. I had to spray it with plastic coating though.
2006-01-05 23:03:10 UTC
A theme park!
2006-01-06 01:19:36 UTC
a person that shoots a guy at the butt and a bull that kills people with their horns
2006-01-05 23:02:40 UTC
a box
2006-01-06 22:06:12 UTC
a whole big model of kingda ka(or however you spell it)
2006-01-06 05:48:50 UTC
i've made a beautifull overpass. i've also made a transforming gun.
2006-01-05 23:02:29 UTC

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